Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Thoughts and Personal Reflections

I hope all of you had a beautiful Christmas.  I sure did.  It was simple and quiet.  The best Christmas gift was settling into our newly renovated home after a hose burst under our bathroom sink while away in August spending a few days in the Utah Mountains.

All I can say is there is no place like home! 

This journey has taken me to realizing that I have so much in life.  I've learned that I can live with a lot  less.  Less stuff.  Less clothes.  Less Dishes,  You get the picture.  I have a confession to make I wore the clothes that I had on vacation for three months!  Yep, Capri pants and T-shirts.  Most of our things were wet and wet to dry cleaners or in storage.  I was over at our house daily help with the renovations.  They are now paint clothes!!  I don't need a huge closet of stuff!

We have a 25 foot trailer in our drive that we still need to unload.  I'm trying to bring things we need and give the rest to several charities.  My goal for this coming year is to live more simply and try to live more clutter free.  Having a chronic illness (Fibromyalgia) there are days were I can't even get out of bed.  I think if I down size by having less it will be easier for me to manage. 

Our home has a few minor things to be finished up.  I have to admit after living in hotel for 6 weeks and then apartment for a few more months settling back in our homes has been one of our biggest blessings.  I've have sat for hours at time sitting  on my couch looking out my front window enjoying my view.  I chose soft muted whites, blues, grays, green, and hint of coral.  It reminds me of the Oregon Coast (grew up in Oregon) but I don't have a beach theme.  If that makes sense? It has a very calming effect on me. 

 What's been amazing though is for me press in to Jesus.  My relationship with Him has become stronger.  So has my son's relationship with Him.  Some times it something for me to regroup and realize how much I do have and that God is all ways there for me. Even we I "feel" he isn't.  He does not abandon us.  His loves me and that is what gets me through the tough times.

The Crosby's are wishing you a hopeful, inspiring New Year. 

Be Your Own Kind Of Beautiful,


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